Fraud Alert
SMI Group has become aware of a website at that uses the address and FINRA information of SMI Group’s subsidiary, SMI Capital Markets LLC.
That entity is not affiliated with either SMI Group or SMI Capital Markets LLC.
- is NOT a website for SMI Capital Markets.
- Despite its claim that it is a legally registered broker-dealer, to our knowledge, such company is not listed on the website for the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA).
- The FINRA CRD# and SEC# registration numbers used on the smicapitals website actually belong to SMI Capital Markets LLC and not that company. The numbers are being used without permission. To the contrary, the numbers must be deleted from that website.
- The address given on that website actually is the address for SMI Capital Markets LLC and not that company. The address is being used without permission. To the contrary, the address must be deleted from that website.
Neither SMI Group nor SMI Capital Markets LLC are using (or any other website) to seek your personal information, or to ask for your money. We do not offer investment programs or solicit funds via the web.
Please be cautious about or any other web site that masquerades as being associated with SMI Group or SMI Capital Markets.
Neither SMI Group nor SMI Capital Markets will be liable or responsible for any interactions you have on or with If you lose your money or personal data, none of FINRA, the SIP, SMI Capital Markets or SMI Group will protect you, indemnify or assist you.
Please be careful and govern yourself to avoid loss of your money or personal data.
If anyone has any information regarding, please contact FINRA, or SMI Group at [email protected].